

想着你睡不着 - 王筝


  • 想着你睡不着

  • 这是爱情的味道

  • 天天见到你

  • 天天睡不着

  • 想着你睡不着

  • 盼望明天快来到

  • 早早见到你

  • 早早说你好

  • 想着你 睡不着

  • 说好看月亮一起笑

  • 陪着我 好不好

  • 我的心你是否知道

  • 想着你 睡不着

  • 一起看着月亮一起笑

  • 我们要 一起老

  • 老到不行不行还拥抱

  • 2011-06-15


    一樣的月光 照著我們掌心 何時小叮噹 改名哆啦A夢
    春風少年兄 唱著浪人情歌 紅紅青春敲呀敲 變成man's talk
    美麗花蝴蝶飛出青蘋果樂園 飛向未來風緊透 還有愛相隨

    #朋友最近好嗎 今晚出來走走 新歌會了哪幾首
    朋友最近好嗎 啤酒再來一手 誰會在乎誰出糗
    唱破我們歌喉 唱完一起拍手 天王天後也點頭

    誰說過其實你不懂我的心 誰約定不會忘了你忘了我
    無情的情書 太傻執迷不悔 轉眼戀愛症候群 喚醒年輕
    說好天空不要為我們掉眼淚 認錯之後向前走 未來不是夢

    Repeat #,#

    唱了時光倒流 那年我們是求 夢在心裡加滿油

    Repeat #,#


    The Hidden Distance...


    Few days ago, I watched a drama named《读心神探》, something like psychology detective. The detective taught me about 空间关系学,or Proxemics. I Google it and collected some information, here wants to share with you all.

    The ‘proxemics’ was introduced by an anthropologist (人类学) Edward T.Hall in 1966. It is the study of measurable distances between people as they interact. Edward T.Hall proposed that:
    “Like gravity, the influence of two bodies on each other is inversely proportional not only to the square of their distance but possibly even the cube of the distance between them.”

    In the drama, the detective also taught that: when two persons (for example) are standing by each other, then we can estimate their relationship by just looking how far they are separated. Different distance for different people during interaction and it does reflect some meanings. According to Edward T.Hall, this was known as the Body Spacing 身体间距, where social distance between people is reliably correlated with physical distance, according to the following delineations:

    § Intimate distance 亲密for embracing, touching or whispering
    §  Close phase – less than15 cm
    §  Far phase – 15 to 46 cm
    § Personal distance 个人空for interactions among good friends or family members
    §  Close phase –46 to 76 cm
    §  Far phase –76 to 120 cm
    §  Social distance 社会for interactions among acquaintances
    §  Close phase –1.2 to 2.1 m
    §  Far phase –2.1 to 3.7 m
    §  Public distance 公众used for public speaking
    §  Close phase –3.7 to 7.6 m
    §  Far phase – 7.6 m or more

    Edward T.Hall also introduced a diagram of personal reaction bubbles in 1966, which enable us to clearly understand the relationship between distance and the interaction.

    Personal space个人空is the region surrounding a person which they regard as psychologically theirs. Most people value their personal space and feel discomfort, anger, or anxiety when their personal space is encroached.

    Simplified explanations about the diagram:
    §  An intimate zone: reserved for lovers, children and close family members.
    §  Personal zone: conversations with friends, to chat with associates, group discussions. (Permitting a person to enter personal space and entering somebody else's personal space are indicators of perception of the relationship between the people.)
    §  Social zone: strangers, newly formed groups, and new acquaintances; and a fourth
    §  Public zone: speeches, lectures, and theatre; reserved for larger audiences.

    Another is the personal boundaries 个人界限. It is the guidelines, rules or limits that a person creates to identify for him- or herself what are reasonable, safe and permissible ways for other people to behave around him or her. Personal boundaries include physical, mental, and spiritual boundaries together they constitute "psychological boundaries". According to Nina Brown, there are four types of psychological boundary 心理边界:
    §  Soft - A person with soft boundaries merges with other people's boundaries and is easily manipulated.
    §  Spongy - They permit less emotional contagion (情绪感染) than soft boundaries but more than rigid. People with spongy boundaries are unsure of what to let in and what to keep out.
    §  Rigid - A person with rigid boundaries is closed or walled off so nobody can get close to him/her either physically or emotionally.
    §  Flexible - The person decides what to let in and what to keep out, is resistant to emotional contagion, manipulation and is difficult to exploit.

    So, the conclusion is that: if you want to know how good your relations are with your surrounding people, observe the separation distance. It does help a lot.