

Busy de Tuesday...


I thought that after I finished my final exam, I will be so free, no works, no tension n juz hanging around waiting my flight to go home. But I'm wrong...

Engineering Design...this ridiculous subject with ridiculous lecturer had make my day goes worst. I haven't face a case that we need to submit our assignment after final.Yup, this is 1st time I meet such ridiculous case. Although only 6 subtopics we need to finish, but I really dun know how, what to do with. Speechless.......

With my head covered with thick mist, I leave them alone...

I turn to make my boxes for my Tzu Chi x- senior n x-group head.B4 that...

0n 15/11/2010...a meeting was held in EP, my x-hostel..

Hardworking leh..including d person who took photo..

So many are left to get done...

Boxes..unfinished boxes..still in alpha-prototype testing...

These are my hand-made products..

After artistic effect..

2nite we will having an end sem meeting,学期末会议,hopefully everything is going smoothly. 

差点忘了,今天也是我们 UTeM 慈青陪伴妈妈--黄淑华妈妈--的七十一大寿。Yeah!!!让我们大家一起祝贺淑华妈妈吧!


  1. waa.. finish exam still so busy worrr..
    look so nice le..
    cant believable tat is guys hand working~~

  2. haha.. paiseh la.. 可是还是很难相信~ 哈哈!!
