Well, I saw this news few days ago thru says.my. It's about Blog Action Day 2011, Blog Action Day has spreading news to gather Bloggers all around the world to blog about one important global topic on the same day, every year. This year, on October 16, Blog Action Day will focus on the theme about FOOD, in coincides with World Food Day.
So, it's easy. If you are a Blogger, then go to Blog Action Day webpage (http://blogactionday.org/) to register your Blog and then, just blog anything about food. Well, I'm going to share some information about vegetarian or vegan.
Nowadays, people like to relate the term "vegetarian" or "vegan" to "religion" or "belief", typically Buddhism. If you are holding this "concept" on the earlier century, it's acceptable; but if you are on this millennium century, you are WRONG and OUT OF DATE. Why?
Being a vegetarian or a vegan is not only due to religion, but now it's related to HEALTH and ENVIRONMENT. The fact is that human beings were born as a vegetarian, not a carnivore. It's proven thru the structure of teeth, intestine, stomach and digestion system of our body (Columbia University). Many diseases are related to meat, such as cancer, kidney failure, heart attack, etc. Influenza H5N1, SARS are examples that had became a pandemic few years ago. Meats are delicious, but after you knew what's happen in the slaughter house, you won't want to eat meat again. Here's a link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KJyJNLZ7q8&feature=related.If you are still questioning, just simply go to Google or Youtube to search for the evidences.
The environment. I'm sure that you are questioning what's the relationship of being a vegetarian to the environment? Let me ask you, what are the causes to global warming, greenhouse effects, sea level increasing, coastal flooding, Antarctic/Arctic ice melting? (http://www.climatecrisis.net/) It's carbon dioxide. What emit carbon dioxide the most? Your answer not least from vehicles or factories. But you are WRONG! The answer is ANIMAL agriculture industries.
Animal agriculture is responsible for an estimated 14% of the world's total greenhouse gases and the methane emitted by animals is 23 times more powerful than carbon dioxide, which contribute to the global warming (http://www.earthsave.org/globalwarming.htm). If the meats are imported, then they also have high carbon footprints. When you are enjoy eating meats, actually you are destroying the Mother Earth, your future and eventually your next generation, slowly.Think it!
1 kg of meat = 13kg of CO2 + 100 polluted gases + 40kg waste + 35kg polluted soil + 100000L of water + 16kg of grains
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I'm sure that you knew about the hunger or starvation in Africa, Somalia, Ethiopia, Sudan and other poor countries. But, did you know, being a vegetarian or vegan can help them? As shown above, if you didn't eat 1kg of meat, then you had saved 16 kg of grains and 100000L of water,which can help those whose are suffer of hunger or starvation! Unbelievable? Go search it by your own!
Albert Einstein, the famous scientist; Thomas Edison, the father of light bulbs; Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple; Abraham Lincoln, president of US; Gandhi, the pre-eminent political and ideological leader of India; Carl Lewis, nine Olympic title winner; Kenneth G. Williams, the champion of Natural Olympia Bodybuilding, etc. All shared the common characteristic - vegetarian.
You can't relate vegetarian with religion again. If you care about your future and next generation, please stop eating meats now. Everyone is wondering the Doomsday on December 21, 2012 will really occur or not. The answer is simple: Yes, if you still pay no attention or action to what you are eating now; No, if you begin to stop eating meats and care for the environment. The Earth's future is on your mouth, not really your hands!
Remember, your stomach is to be filled by food, it's NOT a grave for animals!
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